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Cupcake Wars

Cupcake Wars is a Food Network reality-based competition show hosted by Justin Willman based on creating unique and professional-style cupcakes that began airing in June 2010. The show is similar to its successful Chopped show in that it starts with 4 contestants who are eliminated one by one in 3 rounds. During seasons 1-3, the show's time-slot was Tuesdays at 8 pm, EST, but at the beginning of the 4th season, the time-slot changed to Sundays at 8PM EST. The show also challenges its contestants to create cupcakes with unusual ingredients with the winning team receiving $10,000. Each team consists of a chef and a sous-chef. Cupcake Wars began airing its 8th season on March 3, 2013.




Country: United States of America

Duration: 60 min

Quality: HD

Release: 2010-06-13

IMDb: n/a

Cupcake Wars

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